In order that I/my minor child may participate
in the activity or activities at the Joaquim Cruz
Running and Conditioning Camp (the "JCR&CC"), I forever waive
my right (and my childıs right) to sue the JCR&CC and La Jolla High
School (including directors, staff, employees and other contracted parties)
for any injury I/my minor child may suffer arising out of my/my minor
child's participation in these activities. I understand that by signing
this document, all liability of the JCR&CC and La Jolla High School
(including its directors, staff, employees, and other contracted parties)
to myself/my minor child for any injuries I/my minor child may suffer
arising out of my/my minor childıs participation in the activity or
activities at the JCR&CC will be forever extinguished.
(Parent or Guardian when minor)